Eligible Expenses – block extended, alternate

FAQEmployersFlexible Spending AccountsParticipantsPartners
Which FSA plan year account will be used first during the run-out period—the new plan year election or the carryover amount from the current plan?

Which FSA plan year account will be used first during the run-out period—the new plan year election or the carryover amount from the current plan?

Any new plan year funds will pay first and the carryover funds will pay second. Employees get the best use of their funds by having the new plan year pay first, and the carryover funds pay second.

FAQEmployersFlexible Spending AccountsParticipantsPartners
How would carryover impact a participant who changes from a healthcare FSA to a limited purpose FSA and vice versa?

How would carryover impact a participant who changes from a healthcare FSA to a limited purpose FSA and vice versa?

It would not. Carryover allows amounts in a healthcare FSA – limited purpose or otherwise – to carry over into the next plan year. The Carryover option will follow the participant’s choice. If a participant elects a limited purpose FSA for the current plan year,...

Announcement – grid extended

FAQ – masonry, block extended, alternate

NewsCOBRACompliance ServicesDirect BillingEmployersHealth Savings AccountsParticipantsPartners
What happens to your HSA after employment ends?
What happens to your HSA after employment ends?

What happens to your HSA after employment ends?

This article provides an overview of the impact to your Health Savings Account “HSA” upon termination of employment. It is not a comprehensive reference and should be reviewed in conjunction with your employer’s benefit materials and plan documents. In the event of...

NewsCompliance ServicesDirect BillingEmployersHealth Reimbursement ArrangementsParticipantsPartners
A Self-Funded Option for Unhealthy Small Employers
A Self-Funded Option for Unhealthy Small Employers

A Self-Funded Option for Unhealthy Small Employers

Are you a broker who’s been recommending self-insured, level-funded plans to your small group clients? If so, you’re not alone – more and more small employers, in an effort to keep premiums under control, are bailing on the small group market and taking advantage...

Forms and Guides – masonry, background cover

Internal Ad – full width background

Internal Ad – full width background (2 columns)

Who is eligible to open and contribute to an HSA?

If you are enrolled in qualified High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) - either through your employer or you have purchase and individual policy - you are most likely eligible to open and contribute to an HSA. Additional eligibility criteria include: You must have a...

Login – box extended

Solutions – masonry

We’ve been innovative leaders in providing full-service administration of consumer-driven and traditional account-based plans since 1996.

Our solutions and interactive customer support team are all centered around one goal: helping you help your clients.

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Here you will find details for all our solutions as well as FAQs, forms and guides, eligible expenses and videos.

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We’re always
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Understanding Annual Dollar Limits on Benefits for Self-Insured Group Health Plans

Understanding Annual Dollar Limits on Benefits for Self-Insured Group Health Plans

When considering design changes to a self-insured group health plan, it’s crucial to understand the regulations surrounding annual dollar limits ...

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