Eligible Expenses – block extended, alternate
Drug Overdose Treatment
The cost of treatment for a drug overdose is an eligible medical expense.
Which FSA plan year account will be used first during the run-out period—the new plan year election or the carryover amount from the current plan?
Any new plan year funds will pay first and the carryover funds will pay second. Employees get the best use of their funds by having the new plan year pay first, and the carryover funds pay second.
How would carryover impact a participant who changes from a healthcare FSA to a limited purpose FSA and vice versa?
It would not. Carryover allows amounts in a healthcare FSA – limited purpose or otherwise – to carry over into the next plan year. The Carryover option will follow the participant’s choice. If a participant elects a limited purpose FSA for the current plan year,...
Announcement – grid extended
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSA
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSAJanuary 29, 2019Flexible Spending Accounts may be more flexible than you realized, and you don’t want to miss out. 2019 is expected to be an even bigger year for FSAs than the last, with 32 million accounts...
2017 HSA Contribution and Plan Limits
The IRS has announced the 2017 Health Savings Account (HSA) maximum contribution limits detailed in the newly released Revenue Procedure 2016-28. HSA contribution and plan limits will remain mostly unchanged for 2017, with only the individual HSA contribution limit...
FAQ – masonry, block extended, alternate
What happens to your HSA after employment ends?
This article provides an overview of the impact to your Health Savings Account “HSA” upon termination of employment. It is not a comprehensive reference and should be reviewed in conjunction with your employer’s benefit materials and plan documents. In the event of...
2017 HSA Contribution and Plan Limits
The IRS has announced the 2017 Health Savings Account (HSA) maximum contribution limits detailed in the newly released Revenue Procedure 2016-28. HSA contribution and plan limits will remain mostly unchanged for 2017, with only the individual HSA contribution limit...
A Self-Funded Option for Unhealthy Small Employers
Are you a broker who’s been recommending self-insured, level-funded plans to your small group clients? If so, you’re not alone – more and more small employers, in an effort to keep premiums under control, are bailing on the small group market and taking advantage...
How do I access my HRA funds?
You can access your HRA to be reimbursed for qualified deductible expenses by 1) using your mobile app, 2) completing an electronic claim, or 3) submitting a paper claim. Whatever method you prefer, a copy of your EOB (Explanation of Benefits) from your insurance...
Employer Mandate Penalties Increase for 2016
As most employers know by now, companies with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees are required to offer affordable health coverage that provides minimum value to their full-time employees starting in 2015 or face a significant penalty. Those that don’t offer...
Adoption Assistance Flexible Spending Account
The Adoption Assistance Flexible Spending Account helps you pay for eligible adoption expenses by contributing to the account with pre-tax money from your paycheck. This means you do not pay federal or state income taxes (where applicable) on these funds. You will...
Forms and Guides – masonry, background cover
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSA
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSAJanuary 29, 2019Flexible Spending Accounts may be more flexible than you realized, and you don’t want to miss out. 2019 is expected to be an even bigger year for FSAs than the last, with 32 million accounts...
2017 HSA Contribution and Plan Limits
The IRS has announced the 2017 Health Savings Account (HSA) maximum contribution limits detailed in the newly released Revenue Procedure 2016-28. HSA contribution and plan limits will remain mostly unchanged for 2017, with only the individual HSA contribution limit...
Internal Ad – full width background
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSA
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSAJanuary 29, 2019Flexible Spending Accounts may be more flexible than you realized, and you don’t want to miss out. 2019 is expected to be an even bigger year for FSAs than the last, with 32 million accounts...
Internal Ad – full width background (2 columns)
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSA
16 things you had no idea you could purchase with your FSAJanuary 29, 2019Flexible Spending Accounts may be more flexible than you realized, and you don’t want to miss out. 2019 is expected to be an even bigger year for FSAs than the last, with 32 million accounts...
Who is eligible to open and contribute to an HSA?
If you are enrolled in qualified High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) - either through your employer or you have purchase and individual policy - you are most likely eligible to open and contribute to an HSA. Additional eligibility criteria include: You must have a...
Login – box extended
Who is eligible to open and contribute to an HSA?
If you are enrolled in qualified High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) - either through your employer or you have purchase and individual policy - you are most likely eligible to open and contribute to an HSA. Additional eligibility criteria include: You must have a...
Media – block extended, alternate
Solutions – masonry
The costs associated with the purchase of a wig for an individual who has lost all of their hair due to a disease or from treatment is an eligible expense.
Who pays for COBRA coverage?
Your group health plan can require you to pay for COBRA continuation coverage. The amount charged to qualified beneficiaries cannot exceed 102 percent of the cost to the plan for similarly situated individuals covered under the plan who have not incurred a...
Who is eligible to open and contribute to an HSA?
If you are enrolled in qualified High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) - either through your employer or you have purchase and individual policy - you are most likely eligible to open and contribute to an HSA. Additional eligibility criteria include: You must have a...
Who is eligible for continuation coverage under COBRA?
To be eligible for COBRA coverage, you must have been enrolled in your employer's health plan when you worked and the health plan must continue to be in effect for active employees. COBRA continuation coverage is available upon the occurrence of a qualifying event...
Who is a qualified dependent under the Dependent Care FSA?
Dependent under the age of 13; or Dependent or spouse of employee who is mentally or physically disabled and whom the employee claims as a dependent on his or her Federal Income Tax return.