A Hassle-Free COBRA Solution

COBRAcare+ Administration

Dependable & Helpful

COBRA administration can be a significant drain on your internal resources. Factor in the consequences of non-compliance, and it’s easy to understand why employers turn to NueSynergy to manage this burdensome administrative task.

Trust the COBRA Experts

We’re here to help you comply with confidence.

The COBRA administration specialists at NueSynergy will generate and mail the required notifications following the initial notice, as well as track, document and update all COBRA-related events. We also provide and maintain the necessary documentation to respond to an Internal Revenue Service audit of your COBRA practices.
The law identifies four distinct groups who are COBRA eligible:
  1. Employees and their families who lose coverage because of a covered employee’s termination or reduction in hours
  2. Dependent children who lose coverage once they exceed the plan’s age limit for eligibility
  3. Spouses and dependent children who lose coverage as a result of divorce, legal separation or death of a covered employee
  4. Spouses and dependent children who lose group coverage because the covered employee became entitled to Medicare

In certain cases involving bankruptcy of the employer, COBRA coverage may even be available for retired employees, their spouses and dependent children.


Eligible Individuals:
  • Be enrolled in a group health plan whose sponsoring employer has over 20 employees
  • Experience a qualifying event
  • Or must be a qualified beneficiary of the person experiencing the qualifying event
Qualified Beneficiary: Anyone covered under a group health plan on the day before an event that causes loss of coverage including:
  • Participating employees, including part-time employees
  • Their spouses
  • Their dependents
  • Retirees (unless they are eligible for Medicare)
  • Partners in a partnership
Non-Eligible Individuals:
  • An employee who is not yet eligible for your group health plan
  • An eligible employee who declined to participate in your group health plan
  • An individual who is enrolled for benefits under Medicare
(Ref. United State Department of Labor)