When Is a Dependent Child Considered to Be Age 26 for Purposes of Terminating Group Health Plan Coverage?

When Is a Dependent Child Considered to Be Age 26 for Purposes of Terminating Group Health Plan Coverage?

QUESTION: Our company sponsors a group health plan that offers coverage to eligible employees and dependent children. We understand that we must make coverage available until a child is age 26. At what point during the month of the child’s 26th birthday is it permissible for our plan to terminate coverage for the child?

ANSWER: Group health plans that offer dependent coverage are required to continue making coverage available for an employee’s child until the child’s 26th birthday—regardless of the child’s residency, financial dependence, student status, employment, or other factors. Your plan will satisfy the dependent coverage requirement if coverage is provided until a child attains 26 years of age. As an example, assume an employee’s child’s birthday is July 17. The plan need only offer coverage for the child through the day before his or her 26th birthday—i.e., July 16.

Keep in mind, however, that if your company is an applicable large employer (i.e., if you employed an average of 50 or more full-time employees (or equivalents) in the preceding year), you could face potential employer shared responsibility penalties if you do not offer coverage to an employee’s child through the last day of the month containing the child’s 26th birthday. Applicable large employers may be subject to these penalties if they fail to offer adequate health insurance to full-time employees “and their dependents.” For this purpose, “dependents” means an employee’s children, but excluding stepchildren and foster children, who are under 26 years of age. Regulations implementing the penalties specifically provide that a child is a dependent for the entire calendar month during which he or she attains age 26. Thus, in the example above, coverage must be offered through July 31 to avoid potential penalties. Absent information to the contrary, employers may rely on employees’ representations concerning the identity and ages of the employees’ children.

Source: Thomson Reuters

When Is a Dependent Child Considered to Be Age 26 for Purposes of Terminating Group Health Plan Coverage?

Can a Health Plan Charge an Additional Premium for Older Children?

QUESTION: Our company’s major medical plan offers a choice of self-only or family coverage. Dependent coverage is provided under the family coverage option for participants’ children who have not yet reached age 26. May our plan impose an additional premium surcharge for children who are older than age 18?

ANSWER: A premium surcharge for coverage of children over age 18 is not permitted because your plan would be impermissibly varying the terms for dependent coverage of children based on age. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires group health plans that provide dependent coverage of children to make such coverage available for a child until age 26. In addition, the terms and conditions under which dependent coverage is provided for children cannot vary based on age, except for children who are age 26 or older. This rule is known as the “uniformity requirement.”

Although your plan may not impose a surcharge for these children, revising or repricing the plan’s coverage tiers without making the structure age-based may allow your company to accomplish the same financial goals. For example, a plan design in which the cost of coverage increases for tiers with more covered individuals would not violate the ACA’s age 26 mandate, so long as the increase applies without regard to the age of any child. Although you did not specify whether your plan is grandfathered, it is important to note that changing coverage tiers can adversely affect a plan’s status as a grandfathered plan.

Source: Thomson Reuters

When Is a Dependent Child Considered to Be Age 26 for Purposes of Terminating Group Health Plan Coverage?

How Do We Determine COBRA Election and Payment Deadlines at the End of the COVID-19 Outbreak Period?

QUESTION: As required, our company’s group health plan has extended COBRA election and payment deadlines due to the COVID-19 emergency. How do we handle these deadlines once the outbreak period ends?

ANSWER: As you note, certain COBRA deadlines have been extended—but for no longer than one year—by disregarding (tolling) the COVID-19 “outbreak period,” which began March 1, 2020, and is set to end on July 10, 2023. Agency guidance issued in March 2023 provided examples illustrating the effect of the outbreak period’s end on COBRA election and premium payment deadlines:

  • Electing COBRA. If a participant experiences a qualifying event and is provided a COBRA election notice on or before July 10, 2023, the individual’s 60-day period to elect COBRA begins to run on July 10, 2023 (making the deadline September 8, 2023). If the qualifying event occurs after July 10, 2023, there is no extension, and the 60-day period is measured from the date the COBRA election notice is provided. Although not expressly addressed, it appears that if a qualifying event occurs on or before July 10, 2023, and the COBRA election notice is provided after that date, the COBRA election deadline would be measured from the provision of the notice.
  • Paying COBRA Premiums. The guidance provides an example of a COBRA election made on October 15, 2022, retroactive to October 1, 2022. The initial COBRA payment, covering premiums from October 2022 through July 2023 must be made no later than 45 days after July 10, 2023 (i.e., August 24, 2023), with subsequent payments due according to the regular COBRA timeline (the first day of each month of coverage, with a 30-day grace period).

In addition to COBRA deadlines, the end of the outbreak period also affects certain other plan-related deadlines, including those for claims and appeals and HIPAA special enrollments. The agencies have noted that nothing in the Code or ERISA prevents group health plans from continuing to extend deadlines and have encouraged plans to do so—at least for a while—as the outbreak period comes to an end. Keep in mind, however, that any extension beyond what is required should be cleared with plan insurers and stop-loss insurers, as applicable.

Source: Thomson Reuters

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Is a Telehealth Benefit Subject to ERISA?

QUESTION: We are considering offering a telehealth benefit to our employees that would be separate from our major medical plan. Will this arrangement be an ERISA plan? 

ANSWER: Telehealth benefits (also referred to as telemedicine benefits) are often offered under an employer’s group health plan, which is governed by ERISA if sponsored by a private sector employer. Even if telehealth benefits are offered separately from the employer’s group health plan, the benefits are likely subject to ERISA. 

In general, an arrangement is an ERISA welfare benefit plan if it is a plan, fund, or program established or maintained by an employer to provide its employees with ERISA-listed benefits. Here is a summary of each element of the definition: 

Plan, fund, or program. An arrangement that provides “one-off” benefits and thus does not require an “ongoing administrative scheme” might not be considered a plan, fund, or program subject to ERISA. It is difficult to imagine a telehealth benefit that would not involve ongoing administration, so this element will likely be met. 

Established or maintained by an employer for its employees. You have indicated that this benefit would be offered by the company, so this element will be met. 

Providing ERISA-listed benefits. Medical benefits are among the benefits listed in ERISA, and telehealth is clearly medical care, so this element will be met. 

Under a DOL regulatory safe harbor, certain group insurance arrangements with minimal employer involvement may be exempt from ERISA even if they provide ERISA-listed benefits. If your arrangement is a voluntary employee-pay-all telehealth benefit offered by a third party, with employer involvement limited as set forth in the safe harbor, it would not be an ERISA plan. If it does not meet all the requirements of the safe harbor, it will be an ERISA plan and must comply with the generally applicable rules, such as having a plan administrator, claim and appeal procedures, and a summary plan description. 

As a group health plan, a telehealth plan raises legal issues aside from ERISA’s applicability, including considerations under COBRA, HIPAA, and coverage mandates such as first-dollar coverage of preventive services, not imposing annual or lifetime dollar limits on essential health benefits, and parity in mental health and substance use disorder benefits. Note that telehealth-only plans meeting specified criteria have been temporarily exempt from certain of these mandates for certain plan years beginning before the end of the COVID-19 emergency. 

Moreover, telehealth coverage may affect an individual’s ability to contribute to a health savings account (HSA), although temporary relief provides that telehealth and other remote care services provided on or after January 1, 2020, will not cause a loss of HSA eligibility for plan years beginning on or before December 31, 2021; for months beginning after March 31, 2022, and before January 1, 2023; and for plan years beginning after December 31, 2022, and before January 1, 2025 

Source: Thomson Reuters

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