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Increase your book of business by partnering with NueSynergy

Increase your book of business by partnering with NueSynergy

It may be difficult to believe, but open enrollment season is here again. And sure as the sun rises, many clients are demanding enhanced benefits at a zero-cost increase for the new year. When it comes to administering services such as COBRA, FSAs, HRAs and HSAs, all...

Top 8 Ways H.R. 6199 Would Impact HSA Owners

Top 8 Ways H.R. 6199 Would Impact HSA Owners

Congress is once again considering the possibility of expanding access to HSAs and how those funds can be used. As you may be aware, two bills addressing HSAs passed the U.S. House of Representatives in late July and are now sitting in the Senate. As of this writing,...

Brett Flanagan joins NueSynergy as Western Regional Director

Brett Flanagan joins NueSynergy as Western Regional Director

Given the growth and geographical expansion of NueSynergy, the company has created a Western Regional Director position that will be held by Brett Flanagan. Based in Phoenix, AZ, Brett will be responsible for retaining existing clients and developing new partners...

A quick and easy guide to ensure COBRA compliance

A quick and easy guide to ensure COBRA compliance

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is a complex and detailed law protecting employees and qualified beneficiaries once they have been removed from their group health coverage due to a qualifying event. Despite its complexity, employers,...

My HSA will pay for what?!

My HSA will pay for what?!

My HSA will pay for what?! Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are skyrocketing in popularity as premium increases have become the new normal in this uncertain market. In fact, recent reports project 30 million accounts, with assets exceeding $60 billion, by the end of...

The case for an HSA-first investment strategy

The case for an HSA-first investment strategy

Conventional wisdom suggests that employees owning an HSA and retirement account, such as a 401(k) or IRA, should first contribute to their retirement accounts, and then max out their HSA contributions through payroll deductions. While this is an attractive strategy,...

IRS announces 2019 health savings account (HSA) contribution limits

IRS announces 2019 health savings account (HSA) contribution limits

The IRS has announced the 2019 HSA maximum contribution limits detailed in the newly released Revenue Procedure 2018-30. HSA contribution and plan limits will increase to $3,500 for individual coverage and $7,000 for family coverage. Changes to these limits will take...

IRS announces relief for 2018 HSA family contributions

IRS announces relief for 2018 HSA family contributions

The IRS announced on Thursday, April 26, that it is modifying the annual limitation on 2018 HSA family contributions. Under Rev. Proc. 2018-27, taxpayers will be allowed to treat $6,900 as the annual limitation for 2018, instead of the $6,850 limitation announced by...

NueSynergy Insights: April 2018

NueSynergy Insights: April 2018

ICYMI: NueSynergy announces partnership with Employee Navigator As an innovative leader for over two decades in providing full-service administration of consumer-driven and traditional account-based plans, we’re always looking for new ways at NueSynergy to raise the...

Millennials and the consumer-driven health care market

Millennials and the consumer-driven health care market

Millennials and the consumer-driven health care market According to the Pew Research Center, Millennials are projected to surpass Baby Boomers in 2019 as the largest living adult generation. Although Millennials are negatively stereotyped as the generation of “instant...


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