Questions to consider regarding a Commuter Benefits FSA

Can HSAs provide tax-free reimbursement for the same expenses as Health FSAs?

Question: Our company currently offers a general-purpose health FSA. If we switched to an HDHP/HSA, could our employees receive tax-free reimbursements for the same types of expenses from their HSAs?

Answer: Yes, and they might acquire a few additional options. Like health FSAs, HSAs can provide tax-free reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses for medical care. But HSAs also can reimburse certain expenses that health FSAs cannot. Those differences are highlighted below.

  • Nonmedical Expenses: Unlike health FSAs, HSAs can make distributions at any time and for any purpose, although only distributions for qualified medical expenses are tax-free. Some taxable distributions may also be subject to a 20% excise tax.
  • Insurance Premiums: While HSAs generally cannot reimburse health insurance premiums or coverage contributions on a tax-free basis, there are a few exceptions:
    • Qualified long-term care insurance
    • Any federally required continuation coverage (e.g., under COBRA or USERRA)
    • Health plan coverage while the HSA account holder is receiving unemployment compensation under state or federal law
    • For HSA holders who are age 65 or older, any health insurance other than a Medicare supplemental policy
  • Qualified Long-Term Care: Unlike health FSAs, HSAs can reimburse qualified long-term care services on a tax-free basis.

In addition, HSAs cannot limit the types of expenses that are reimbursable on either a taxable or tax-free basis because they are individual trusts to which account holders must have unrestricted access, subject only to reasonable restrictions on the frequency or minimum amounts of distributions. HSAs are also different in terms of whose expenses they can reimburse tax-free. Health FSAs can provide tax-free reimbursements for the expenses of employees’ children who are under age 27 at the end of the taxable year, regardless of their status as tax dependents. However, HSAs can only provide tax-free payment or reimbursement of the expenses of an HSA account holder’s child if the child qualifies as a dependent. Keep in mind that other requirements (e.g., regarding substantiation of expenses) will also apply and may vary from arrangement to arrangement.

Source: Thomson Reuters

Questions to consider regarding a Commuter Benefits FSA

Benefits of enrolling in a Limited Purpose FSA

A limited-purpose FSA (LPFSA) is a Health Savings Account (HSA) eligible FSA plan that allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars for dental, vision, and orthodontia expenses for you and your dependents, even if they are not covered under your primary health plan. The Limited Purpose FSA covers these eligible expenses, tax-free while your HSA covers eligible medical expenses. It’s a great way to save on HSA dollars – especially if you choose to use your account to invest.

There is an abundance of benefits by enrolling in a LPFSA, notably:

  • At the outset of the plan year, your LPFSA is pre-funded, and your full contribution amount is immediately available for use.
  • In addition to your HSA contributions, you are able to set aside additional LPFSA tax-free contributions, up to $2,850 in 2022.
  • Preserve HSA funds for other purposes, like investing or saving for retirement.
  • Money contributed to a limited-purpose FSA is tax-free when it’s spent on eligible dental, vision, and orthodontia expenses, including dental exams, x-rays, vison exams, and much more.
Questions to consider regarding a Commuter Benefits FSA

What happens to an FSA once employment ends?

In the event of employment termination for an account holder, there are several notable procedures and regulations that occur:

  • Any participation in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) – Health Care FSA, Limited Purpose FSA, Dependent Care FSA, Adoption Assistance, or Commuter Account – will end along with the ability to incur additional expenses for reimbursement.
  • All future salary reductions will end.
  • If you have a NueSynergy FSA benefit card, the card will be deactivated on date of termination.
  • You will have 30 days from your date of termination to submit manual claims to NueSynergy by mail, online, fax, or mobile application.
  • Manual claims submitted during a 30-day window must have dates of service prior to date of termination.
Questions to consider regarding a Commuter Benefits FSA

Fact or fiction? Understand the differences regarding FSAs

A flexible spending account (FSA) is a powerful tool to help save on health-care costs, tax-free. However, FSAs are often misunderstood. Here are four “fact or fiction” statements for current or future account holders to know about.  


  1. You have to be enrolled in a certain type of health plan to be eligible for an FSA.
  2. You can only spend up to the amount you have already contributed to your FSA.
  3. You will lose unused FSA dollars at the end of the plan year.
  4. You can only adjust your annual FSA election amount during open enrollment.


  1. In addition to medical expenses, FSA funds can also be used for vision, dental, and prescription expenses, as well as many additional eligible items such as first aid supplies.
  2. Your entire FSA election amount is available on the first day of the plan year.
  3. You can roll over up to $570 of unused dollars into the following plan year or receive a 2.5-month grace period after the plan year to use any remaining FSA dollars.
  4. You can make adjustments to FSA election amount in the case of a qualifying event such as marriage or birth of a child.

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