Health Care FSA: What does and doesn’t qualify?

FAQs regarding the NueSynergy Smart Debit Card

NueSynergy offers a smart debit card to provide account holders with a convenient method to pay for qualified out-of-pocket expenses for themselves, their spouse, and/or any dependents. Here are some frequently asked questions about the smart debit card.

Question #1: Where is the smart debit card accepted?

The NueSynergy smart debit card is accepted at any qualified merchant (as determined by the employer’s plan document). In addition, the card can pay for office visit copays, deductible-related expenses, prescriptions, eyeglasses, and dental work – including orthodontia.

Question #2: What are the advantages of using the NueSynergy smart debit card?

Any participant who uses the card at a qualified merchant can pay for their eligible expenses. This means they don’t have to submit a manual claim and wait for their reimbursement. Another advantage of using this card is that participants can view real-time account information, balances, deposits, and payments by logging onto our website or the NueSynergy mobile app.

Question #3: How does NueSynergy verify the smart debit card is used only for qualified expenses?

As long as there’s a sufficient balance in a participant’s account, any qualified purchase will be paid directly from a reimbursement account once the card is swiped. The IRS requires participants to keep all receipts for benefit account expenses for seven years in the event of a tax audit. If there is an error or unusual transaction amount, NueSynergy is required by the IRS to verify the transaction. If a transaction cannot be electronically substantiated, a participant will be sent a notification via email to submit a detailed receipt from the place of purchase. The detailed receipt should show the date of service, description (or type) of treatment along with the amount owed.

Question #4: How do participants send required documentation for substantiation of NueSynergy smart debit card transactions?

Participants can submit documentation via the NueSynergy mobile app, NueSynergy member portal, or by email at

Health Care FSA: What does and doesn’t qualify?

Inflation Reduction Act indirectly impacts employer-sponsored group health plans

Congress has passed, and the President has signed, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. While the legislation largely focuses on climate change mitigation and deficit reduction, several provisions are of interest to group health plan sponsors and their advisors. Here they are as followed:

Enhanced Premium Tax Credit: The favorable premium tax credit rules adopted in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will now remain in effect through 2025. As background, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) created a refundable premium tax credit, which is available on a sliding-scale basis for individuals and families who are enrolled in an Exchange health plan and who are not eligible for other qualifying coverage or affordable employer-sponsored health insurance plans providing minimum value.

The ACA limits the credit to taxpayers with household income between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty line who purchase insurance through an Exchange health plan. ARPA eliminated the upper income limit for eligibility and increased the amount of the premium tax credit by decreasing, in all income bands, the percentage of household income that individuals must contribute for Exchange coverage. The adjusted percentage ranges from zero to 8.5%.

Medicare Prescription Drug Cost Reductions: Several cost reduction measures will benefit enrollees in Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Beginning in 2023, cost-sharing for insulin will be capped at $35 per month. Annual Part D out-of-pocket prescription drug costs will be capped at $2,000 starting in 2025. For the first time, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be authorized and required to negotiate certain Medicare drug prices with manufacturers beginning in 2026. In addition, starting in 2023, manufacturers must pay Medicare a rebate if average prices of certain drugs increase faster than inflation.

Note: Because the legislation does not include comparable prescription drug cost reductions for private plans, there is some concern that reduced costs for Medicare enrollees will result in increased costs for employer plans and participants as price increases are shifted to private plans to make up for lost revenue.

Insulin-Related HDHP Safe Harbor: The legislation amends to provide that plans will not lose their HDHP status by reason of failing to have a deductible for certain insulin products. This provision is effective for plan years beginning after December 31, 2022.

Note: The provision codifies and expands IRS guidance that allows HDHPs to provide insulin on a no-deductible or low-deductible basis under specified circumstances without adversely affecting HSA eligibility.

Source: Thomson Reuters