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Blog Posts:
How Do We Determine COBRA Election and Payment Deadlines at the End of the COVID-19 Outbreak Period?
QUESTION: As required, our company’s group health plan has extended COBRA election and payment deadlines due to the COVID-19 emergency. How do we handle these deadlines once the outbreak period ends? ANSWER: As you note, certain COBRA deadlines have been...
IRS Modifies Guidance on COVID-19 Expenses for HDHPs, Provides Preventive Care Clarifications
In response to the end of the COVID-19 emergency, the IRS has issued a notice modifying its 2020 guidance regarding the COVID-19 testing and treatment benefits that can be provided by a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). Under the 2020 guidance, HDHPs can provide...
Can Self-Insured State and Local Governmental Plans Still Opt Out of Complying With Certain Group Health Plan Mandates?
QUESTION: Is an opt-out election still available to exempt self-insured state and local governmental plans from compliance obligations under certain group health plan mandates? ANSWER: Originally, self-insured group health plans of state and local...
The new COBRA experience, COBRAcare+
Our new enhanced Cobra solution. COBRAcare+ is a complimentary, cost-saving service offered exclusively by NueSynergy. Participants will get improved engagement through our COBRAcare+ advisory line where they will be guided by a licensed agent to compare COBRA...
Is a Telehealth Benefit Subject to ERISA?
QUESTION: We are considering offering a telehealth benefit to our employees that would be separate from our major medical plan. Will this arrangement be an ERISA plan? ANSWER: Telehealth benefits (also referred to as telemedicine benefits) are often...
IRS announces 2024 contribution limits
The IRS has just released the 2024 limits for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs). HSA contribution and plan limits will increase to $4,150 for individual coverage and $8,300 for family coverage. Changes to these limits will take...
Can a Telehealth-Only Plan Continue After the End of the COVID-19 Emergency?
Question: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we established a telehealth-only plan to provide benefits to individuals who were not eligible for coverage under our regular group health plan. Can we continue to offer this benefit? ANSWER: During the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Is Our Health FSA Subject to COBRA?
QUESTION: Next year, we plan to amend our company’s cafeteria plan to add a health FSA under which participants elect a coverage amount for the year and pay for it with pre-tax salary reductions. There will be no employer contributions, so participants’ health FSA...
How Will the End of the COVID-19 National Emergency Affect Extended Claims and Appeals Deadlines?
QUESTION: Due to the COVID-19 emergency, we have been required to extend deadlines for participants and beneficiaries to submit claims and appeals under our employee benefit plans. How does the end of the COVID-19 national emergency affect these extensions? ...
Can an Election Be Changed After the Plan Year Has Begun When an Employee Made a Mistake in Completing the Election Form?
QUESTION: One of our employees just noticed that her 2023 pay reflects a salary reduction for DCAP benefits. Initially, she said she never elected DCAP benefits. But when we showed her the DCAP election on her election form, she responded that she had made a...
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