Mileage Expenses
The standard milelage rate for the use of an automobile while obtaining medical care is $0.17 for 2017.
The standard milelage rate for the use of an automobile while obtaining medical care is $0.17 for 2017.
Menstrual Care Products, such as tampons, pads, liners, cups, sponges, or similar products for menstruation are eligible expeneses for HSA and FSA.
**For questions about utilizing HRA funds for Menstrual Care Products, please check with your Employer’s HR Department.
Costs associated with medical services are an eligibile expense. This can include fees paid to a licensed physician for treatment of a medical condition, phone consultations such as TeleDoc, and virtual office visits with a licensed physician.
Costs associated with the storage, maintenance, tranferring or copying of your electronic medical records are an eligible expense.
Costs associated with medical care received outside of the United States are eligible expenses.