Understanding DCAP Reimbursements: Application Fees, Deposits, and Indirect Expenses

Understanding DCAP Reimbursements: Application Fees, Deposits, and Indirect Expenses

Navigating the intricacies of Dependent Care Assistance Programs (DCAP) can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding what expenses qualify for reimbursement. One common question that arises is whether application fees, deposits, and similar expenses can be reimbursed. Here, we break down the IRS regulations and provide clarity on this topic.

What Are Indirect Expenses?

Indirect expenses are costs that are not directly for care but are necessary to obtain care. Examples include application fees and deposits paid to day-care centers or preschools. According to IRS regulations, these expenses may qualify for reimbursement under a DCAP if they meet specific criteria.

Criteria for Reimbursement

To be eligible for reimbursement, indirect expenses must:

  1. Be Required for Care: The employee must be required to pay these expenses to obtain related care.
  2. Meet DCAP Rules: The expenses must comply with DCAP rules and the plan document.
  3. Relate to Provided Care: The care to which these expenses relate must actually be provided.

Examples of Reimbursable and Non-Reimbursable Expenses

  • Reimbursable: If a DCAP participant pays a $100 application fee to secure a spot at a new day-care provider, this fee can be reimbursed once the care is provided.
  • Non-Reimbursable: If a participant pays a $100 deposit to a preschool but later decides not to enroll the child, the deposit is not reimbursable since the care was not provided.

Timing of Reimbursement

The IRS does not specify whether indirect expenses can be reimbursed in full once care commences or if they must be reimbursed proportionately over the duration of the care agreement. To err on the side of caution, it is advisable to prorate the reimbursement over the agreement’s duration. For instance, if the agreement is month-to-month, the entire fee might be reimbursed after the first month of care. For longer agreements, the fee should be prorated accordingly.


Understanding the nuances of DCAP reimbursements for indirect expenses like application fees and deposits is crucial for both employers and employees. By ensuring these expenses meet the necessary criteria and timing the reimbursements appropriately, you can navigate the DCAP rules effectively and make the most of your benefits.

Source: Thomson Reuters

Understanding DCAP Reimbursements: Application Fees, Deposits, and Indirect Expenses

IRS Announces 2025 Standard Mileage Rates and Vehicle Value Limitations

The IRS has released the optional standard mileage rates for 2025, providing important updates for businesses, medical care, and charitable activities. Here’s what you need to know about the new rates and vehicle value limits.

2025 Standard Mileage Rates
  • Business Use: The standard mileage rate for business use of an automobile has increased to 70 cents per mile, up from 67 cents in 2024. This rate can be used instead of calculating actual expenses like depreciation, lease payments, and fuel costs.
  • Medical and Moving Use: The rate for using an automobile to obtain medical care or for moving expenses remains unchanged at 21 cents per mile. This rate applies to variable expenses only, such as gas and oil, and does not include fixed costs like depreciation and insurance.
  • Charitable Use: The rate for charitable use of an automobile remains at 14 cents per mile.
Understanding the Rates

The standard mileage rates offer a simplified method for taxpayers to deduct automobile expenses. For business use, the rate covers both fixed and variable costs, while for medical and moving purposes, only variable costs are deductible. Parking fees and tolls related to medical or moving expenses can be deducted separately.

Vehicle Value Limits

The IRS has also set the maximum vehicle values for 2025, which determine the applicability of certain valuation rules for employer-provided vehicles:

  • Cents-Per-Mile Rule: This rule values personal use of an employer-provided vehicle by multiplying the business standard mileage rate by the number of personal miles driven.
  • Fleet-Average Valuation Rule: Employers with a fleet of 20 or more vehicles can use an average annual lease value for each vehicle in the fleet.

For vehicles first made available for personal use in 2025, the maximum vehicle value under both rules is $61,200, down from $62,000 in 2024. This value also sets the maximum standard automobile cost for reimbursement allowances under a fixed and variable rate (FAVR) plan.

These updates from the IRS provide clarity and consistency for taxpayers planning their 2025 automobile expenses. By understanding and utilizing the new standard mileage rates and vehicle value limits, individuals and businesses can better manage their tax deductions and compliance.

Understanding DCAP Reimbursements: Application Fees, Deposits, and Indirect Expenses

Understanding Employee Benefit Acronyms: A Quick Guide

Employee benefits often include a lot of acronyms. What do these and other acronyms mean? They are primarily used in Cafeteria PlansConsumer-Driven Health CareERISA Compliance, COBRA, HIPAA, and Group Health Plan Mandates manuals. The list below provides a comprehensive collection of all the acronyms used.

AD&D Plan – Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan

ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act

ASG – Affiliated Service Group

ASO – Administrative-Services-Only

ATIN – Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number

CE – Covered Entity

CMS – Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services

COB – Coordination of Benefits

COBRA – Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

COLA – Cost-of-Living Adjustment

CONUS – Continental United States

DCAP – Dependent Care Assistance Program

DCTC – Dependent Care Tax Credit

DFVC Program – Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance Program

DOL – Department of Labor

EAP – Employee Assistance Plan

EBHRA – Excepted Benefit HRA

EBSA – Employee Benefits Security Administration

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

EFAST2 – ERISA Filing Acceptance System II (electronic submission of Form 5500s)

EIN – Employer Identification Number

EOB – Explanation of Benefits

EOI – Evidence of Insurability

EPP – Employer Payment Plan

ERISA – Employee Retirement Income Security Act

ePHI – Electronic Protected Health Information

FAVR – Fixed and Variable Rate

FICA – Federal Insurance Contributions Act

FITW – Federal Income Tax Withholding

FLSA – Fair Labor Standards Act

FMLA – Family and Medical Leave Act

FSA – Flexible Spending Arrangement

FUTA – Federal Unemployment Tax Act

GCPCA – Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation

GHP – Group Health Plan

GTL Insurance – Group Term Life Insurance

HCE – Highly Compensated Employee

Source: Thomson Reuters

HCI – Highly Compensated Individual

HCP – Highly Compensated Participant

HDHP – High-Deductible Health Plan

Health FSA – Health Flexible Spending Arrangement

HHS – Department of Health and Human Services

HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HMO – Health Maintenance Organization

HRA – Health Reimbursement Arrangement

HSA – Health Savings Account

ICHRA – Individual Coverage HRA

IIAS – Inventory Information Approval System

LTCI – Long-Term Care Insurance

LTD Plan – Long-Term Disability Plan

MACRS – Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System

MCC – Merchant Category Code

MEWA – Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement

OCR – Office for Civil Rights

PBM – Pharmacy Benefit Manager

PCORI – Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

PEO – Professional Employer Organization

PHI – Protected Health Information

POP – Premium-Only Plan

PPO Plan – Preferred Provider Organization Plan

PTO – Paid Time Off

QB – Qualified Beneficiary

QE – Qualified Event

R&C – Reasonable and Customary

RRTA – Railroad Retirement Tax Act

SAR – Summary Annual Report

SBC – Summary of Benefits and Coverage

SIFL – Standard Industry Fare Level

SIHP – Self-Insured Health Plan

SMM – Summary of Material Modification

SPD – Summary Plan Description

STLDI – Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance

TPA – Third-Party Administrator

UCR Rate – Usual, Customary, and Reasonable Rate

VEBA – Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association

Understanding DCAP Reimbursements: Application Fees, Deposits, and Indirect Expenses

IRS Sets 2025 PCORI Fee Amounts

The IRS has released the 2025 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCORI) fee amounts for health insurers and self-insured health plan sponsors. The PCORI fee is due on July 31, 2025. For plan and policy years ending between October 1, 2024, and October 1, 2025, the PCORI fee is $3.47 per covered life, up from $3.22 for the previous year. This is a $.25 increase from the amount in effect for plan and policy years ending on or after October 1, 2023, and before October 1, 2024.

PCORI fees are calculated by multiplying the applicable dollar amount for the year by the plans or policy’s average number of covered lives. These fees, established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), fund clinical effectiveness research.

Below is the fee amount per plan year.

For more information on the upcoming PCORI fee deadline please refer to the IRS’ PCORI fee FAQ

Understanding DCAP Reimbursements: Application Fees, Deposits, and Indirect Expenses

Traveling This Holiday Season? Don’t Forget These 5 FSA/HSA Eligible Essentials!

The holiday season is a time for celebration, but it can also bring its share of stress—especially when it comes to travel. To help you stay healthy and prepared, here are the top five FSA (Flexible Spending Account) and HSA (Health Savings Account) eligible items you should pack for your holiday adventures.

1. First Aid Kit

A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for any traveler. Look for kits that include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and other basic supplies. Many first aid kits are FSA/HSA eligible, ensuring you’re ready for minor injuries or ailments while on the road.

2. Sunscreen

Protecting your skin is crucial, even in winter. Sunscreen is often FSA/HSA eligible and perfect for those sunny holiday destinations. Choose a broad-spectrum SPF to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, whether you’re skiing or lounging by the beach.

3. Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen are must-haves for any trip. These items are typically FSA/HSA eligible and can help you manage headaches, muscle aches, or any discomfort that might arise during your travels, ensuring you can enjoy your holiday without interruptions.

4. Thermometer

A digital thermometer is a handy tool to have, especially during flu season. Keeping track of your health is easier with this essential item. Many thermometers qualify for FSA/HSA reimbursement, making it a smart addition to your travel kit.

5. Allergy Medications

If you suffer from allergies, packing your allergy medications is essential. Antihistamines and nasal sprays are often FSA/HSA eligible and can help you manage symptoms while traveling. Whether it’s pollen, pet dander, or dust, having your allergy meds on hand will keep you comfortable and ready to enjoy the festivities.

Traveling during the holiday season doesn’t have to be stressful, especially when you’re prepared. By packing these five FSA/HSA eligible items, you can ensure a healthier, more enjoyable trip. Remember, taking care of your health is the best gift you can give yourself this holiday season. Safe travels!

For a full list of FSA/HSA eligible items, click here.