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2024 FSA Limit Increases: What To Know
The IRS announced 2024 contribution limits for all Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plans. Below is an overview of the limit increases across all the types of FSAs except for Dependent Care FSAs, which remain the same at $5,000 per year. Health Flexible Spending...
When Is a Qualified Beneficiary Considered “Entitled to Medicare” for Purposes of Terminating COBRA Coverage Early?
QUESTION: We understand that our group health plan can terminate COBRA coverage early if a qualified beneficiary becomes entitled to Medicare after electing COBRA. What does it mean to be “entitled” to Medicare? ANSWER: When qualified beneficiaries...
Is Medicare Entitlement a COBRA Qualifying Event for Active Employees Who Do Not Lose Group Health Plan Coverage When They Become Entitled to Medicare?
QUESTION: Although Medicare entitlement is listed as a COBRA triggering event, our company’s COBRA TPA does not offer COBRA to covered employees when they become entitled to Medicare. Is Medicare entitlement a COBRA qualifying event for active employees who...
How Should We Communicate Changes to Our Company’s ERISA Group Health Plan?
QUESTION: At the beginning of the year, we distributed new SPDs to participants in our company’s ERISA-covered group health plan. We are planning to make some changes to the plan’s terms. When and how do we need to communicate these changes to participants?...
What ACA Protections Apply to Emergency Services?
QUESTION: We’ve heard that the rules governing the emergency services covered by our group health plan changed in 2022. What are the revised requirements? ANSWER: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) patient protections applicable to group health plans that provide...
How Does the Annual Limit on Health FSA Salary Reductions Apply When Employees Join Our Company Midyear and Elect to Participate on Our Health FSA?
QUESTION: How does the annual limit on health FSA salary reductions apply when employees join our company midyear and elect to participate in our health FSA? Does a reduced limit apply to new employees who were participating in their former employers’ health FSAs...
When Is a Dependent Child Considered to Be Age 26 for Purposes of Terminating Group Health Plan Coverage?
QUESTION: Our company sponsors a group health plan that offers coverage to eligible employees and dependent children. We understand that we must make coverage available until a child is age 26. At what point during the month of the child’s 26th birthday is it...
Can a Health Plan Charge an Additional Premium for Older Children?
QUESTION: Our company’s major medical plan offers a choice of self-only or family coverage. Dependent coverage is provided under the family coverage option for participants’ children who have not yet reached age 26. May our plan impose an additional premium...
INSURICA Names NueSynergy as Preferred Partner
LEAWOOD, Kansas – NueSynergy, Inc., one of the nation’s fastest growing employee benefits and billing administrators in the country, is pleased to announce its preferred partnership with INSURICA, one of the largest privately-held independent agencies in the United...
EBenefitsHub Announces NueSynergy as Exclusive National Core Partner
ORLANDO, Florida – EBenefitsHub is pleased to announce its addition of NueSynergy as an Exclusive National Core Partner. “We are excited to include the fully integrated suite of administration services assembled by Josh Collins, President, and the rest of the...
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