Drug Addiction
Eligible expenses include inpatient treatment, outpatient care and transportation expenses associated with attending outpatient treatment.
Note: If the treatment is court-ordered, then a letter of medical necessity will be required.
Eligible expenses include inpatient treatment, outpatient care and transportation expenses associated with attending outpatient treatment.
Note: If the treatment is court-ordered, then a letter of medical necessity will be required.
If the doula who provides medical care for the mother or child is a licensed health care professional who renders medical care, then their fees can be reimbursed. However, a health care professional must provide evidence of medical necessity for the cost of a Doula to be an eligible medical expense. Include evidence of medical necessity by providing a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) that specifically identifies the recommendation and expense is for treatment of a medical condition with the request for reimbursement.
The cost of doctor fees are an eligible medical expense.
Costs associated with membership fees to participate in a discount drug program are not an eligible expense.
The cost of diathermy used to destroy abnormal cells or as a form of physical therapy is an eligible medical expense.