Did you know you can have an HRA and HSA at the same time?
One frequently asked question we receive is, “can I have an HRA and HSA at the same time?”
The answer is yes. Under specific circumstances, you can have an HRA and HSA at the same time.
There are four HRA plans that are compatible with an HSA:
• Limited Purpose
• Post-deductible
• Retirement
• Suspended
Employers must also ensure their HRAs are HSA eligible before employees can utilize both accounts. There are several advantages to using both an HRA and HSA, such as lower health insurance premiums, greater control over employer contributions, flexibility on plan designs as well as additional tax savings.
Is your HRA plan HSA eligible? Are you ready to make the most of your benefits?
Contact us today for a consultation at 855.890.7239 or sales@nuesynergy.com