- Your HSA funds can be used tax-free to pay for out-of-pocket qualified medical expenses, even if the expenses are not covered by your HDHP. This includes expenses incurred by your family.
- There are hundreds of qualified medical expenses, including many you might not expect: over-the-counter medications; dental visits; orthodontics; glasses; long-term care insurance premiums; cost of COBRA coverage; medical insurance premiums while receiving federal or state unemployment compensation and post age-65 premiums for coverage other than Medigap or Medicare supplemental plans.
- In addition, HSA funds may be used to pay your Medicare Parts A and B premiums and for employer-sponsored retiree plans.
- All of these expenses may be paid for with your HSA funds, free from federal taxes or state tax (for most states). Refer to IRS Publication 502 for a more complete list of qualified medical expenses.