Breast Pump Purchase or Rental
The cost to purchase or rent a breast pump is an eligible medical expense.
The cost to purchase or rent a breast pump is an eligible medical expense.
The cost to replace a cosmetic implant (i.e. reduction or enlargement) is not an eligible medical expense.
A health care professional must provide evidence of medical necessity for the cost of breast implants or removal to be an eligible medical expense. Include evidence of medical necessity by providing a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) that specifically identifies the recommendation and expense is for treatment of a medical condition with the request for reimbursement.
For use by visually impaired persons, the cost of Braille books and magazines are eligible medical expense.
Note: The eligible reimbursable cost of Braille books and magazines is limited to the amount that exceeds the price for regular books and magazines.
The cost of orthodontia care (including braces) is an eligible medical expense.