Lice Treatment
A health care professional must prescribe Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs and medicines for you to be reimbursed for the expense. With a prescription, the cost of an lice treatment medicine is an eligible medical expense.
A health care professional must prescribe Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs and medicines for you to be reimbursed for the expense. With a prescription, the cost of an lice treatment medicine is an eligible medical expense.
Any fees paid to a lice treatment specialist for lice removal are an eligible expense.
The costs assciated with legal fees specifically for the authorization of treatment for a mentally ill patient are an eligible expense.
Note: Legal fees for estate management, guardianship, or divorce are not eligible expenses.
A health care professional must provide evidence of medical necessity for the cost of tuition/tutoring fees covering services rendered specifically for your child’s severe learning disabilities caused by mental or physical impairments to be an eligible medical expense. Include evidence of medical necessity by providing a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) that specifically identifies the recommendation and that the expense is for treatment of a medical condition with the request for reimbursement.
A health care professional must prescribe Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs and medicines for you to be reimbursed for the expense. With a prescription, the cost of an OTC laxative medicine is an eligible medical expense.