Introducing NueSynergy’s Consolidated Billing Service

As you may be aware, we recently integrated with Employee Navigator, which allowed us to launch our new Consolidated Billing Service.

This solution consolidates all carrier premiums into one easy-to-review statement and allows employers to pay all carriers with one statement. No longer will employers need to worry about monitoring and reconciling carrier bills.

By partnering with NueSynergy to manage their Consolidated Billing services, employers can allow their staff to concentrate their resources and energy on more business-critical objectives. This is a win-win for everyone involved and we are very excited to expand this service in 2018.

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Maximize tax savings with an HSA-compatible HRA

It is no secret that escalating health care costs have drastically altered the employee benefits landscape over the years. Balancing these costs is now a constant struggle for employers across the country. Many have responded by adopting high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) and shifting how they allocate benefit dollars.

To cover the high deductibles, health care spending accounts, such as Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), have become increasingly popular during this time. They help individuals and families pay for medical expenses and provide for more control over those expenses, which encourages them to become more informed consumers of health care services and products.

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64% of Americans are making this dangerous financial mistake

How much do you spend on health care per month, or per year? How much do you have saved for a medical emergency? It’s important to know the answers to these questions to ensure you and/or your family are financially secure now and in the future.

The 2017 Alegeus Healthcare Consumerism index shows that most Americans are not adequately saving for unforeseen health care expenses. In fact, only 36% of Americans are saving for health care on a monthly basis.

What can you do? For starters, give this article a read to learn more. Originally published on the Motley Fool, author Christy Bieber succinctly breaks down how you can save for health care and avoid the financial mistake 64% of Americans are making today.

Continue Reading on The Motley Fool

We’ve been innovative leaders in providing full-service administration of consumer-driven and traditional account-based plans since 1996.

Our solutions and interactive customer support team are all centered around one goal: helping you help your clients.

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Understanding Annual Dollar Limits on Benefits for Self-Insured Group Health Plans

Understanding Annual Dollar Limits on Benefits for Self-Insured Group Health Plans

When considering design changes to a self-insured group health plan, it’s crucial to understand the regulations surrounding annual dollar limits ...

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