In connection with the move to all-electronic filing of Form 5300 as of July 1, 2022, the IRS has updated related forms and instructions. Form 5300 is no longer available through the IRS forms and publications database; instead, filers are directed to the website, where a search for “5300” will lead to a page that includes an option to preview the form. Updates to the form’s instructions include details about electronic filing such as limitations on uploaded attachments and a note that Form 8717 is not needed for submissions through the website. The updated Form 8717 instructions specify that this form should no longer be used for Form 5300 (or Form 5310, for which electronic filing has been required since August 1, 2021) unless an additional payment for an insufficient user fee is needed. The IRS’s About Form 5300 page has also been updated to reflect the electronic filing requirement.

EBIA Comment: Electronic filing of Form 5300 is now mandatory for all determination letter applications, as the brief transition period during which paper submissions were still accepted has ended.

Source: Thomson Reuters

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